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Stay on Top of Everything with the uQualio’s Dashboards and Reports

Get an overview as well as detailed information on your courses, channels, and users. Determine strengths & areas of improvement in just a few clicks with comprehensive Reporting & Analytics.

No coding, credit card, & upfront payment required

Reporting & Communication

Drill down analytics about your course, user activity log, and user accomplishment levels.

Self-Service Video Guides to assist you along the way!

Dashboard Overview


Couse Analytics



On the uQualio video4learning platform, “Dashboards” is where you find your account summary illustrated with diagrams. In the dropdown menu, you can choose from three predefined dashboards: Account Status, Content Overview, and User Status.

Status on All Invitations: Get the overview of all your course invitations, including created (but not sent), Sent (but not accepted), Accessed, Expired, Removed, Archived, and Deleted.

Certificates: View the total number of achievements given across all courses, based on the certificate name. (Displays up to 5 certificates)

Courses: See the top courses based on user invites. (Displays up to 5 course names)

Status on All Invitations: Get the overview of all your course invitations, including created (but not sent), Sent (but not accepted), Accessed, Expired, Removed, Archived, and Deleted.

Certificates: View the total number of achievements given across all courses, based on the certificate name. (Displays up to 5 certificates)

Courses: See the top courses based on user invites. (Displays up to 10 course names)

User’s Status: View the number of users on a platform who are either Pending (to create an account)/Created (created an account but haven’t received an invitation), Invited, Active, or Inactive.

User’s Country: See the top 10 user countries and the actual number of users from each country.

Organizations: View the top 10 organizations your users come from and the actual number of users from each organization.

uQualio's Dashboards


On the uQualio SaaS video training platform, this is the section where you find different reports to get detailed information about your channels, courses, and users.

Choose Channels

  • To view any report, you first need to choose the channel(s) from the Channel dropdown menu at the top of the Reports page.
  • If you have multiple channels, you can select one or more channels.

Choose Report Type

Choose the report type you want to see by clicking any of the multiple tabs available, and then pressing Apply.

Shows an overview of all your courses, when they are created and updated last.

Shows an overview of all video topics created in the courses and when they were updated last.

Shows an overview of all the quiz and test questions created in the topics, and whether or not they are mandatory to finish the test.

Shows the overview of your courses, their structure with topics, and questions.

Shows how many multi-level badges have been assigned to a course, and to whom.

Gives an overview of all attached resources, their location, and who viewed or downloaded them.

View each user’s action on a channel and/or course; if they have any courses, quizzes, or tests in progress; and if they have passed a test.

Note: All data can be exported to Excel spreadsheets, to be modulated for any purpose.

Assign Users to Groups

You can invite users from a specific type of report to an existing or a new user group.

  • Select a report that shows the relevant users you want to add.
  • Update your filters in the grid to match the relevant users you want to assign.
  • Check the box next to one or more people you want to add to a new or existing group.
  • The “Assign Users” button will appear, clicking on which will show you a dropdown menu.
  • Select the preferred option from the dropdown menu to either add the user(s) to a new group, an existing group, a list, or a channel.


On the uQualio video training platform, you can define reports by saving new searches for yourself and other users, or by selecting previously saved searches.

  • Click on “Searches…” and a dropdown menu will appear.
  • You can select an already saved search or save your selected search setting.
  • Saving the search also includes your conditions (dynamic date ranges) and column choice.
  • By default, the Search is “private,” but it can be made “public” to be used by other administrators.
Report types uQualio

Course Analytics & Reports

To find analytics and user feedback for a particular course, you must go to the ‘Courses’ section and find the tab ‘Published’. Under Published courses, click Reports against each course to view the reports specific to that course, including pending activities, user activities, user feedback, etc.

On the uQualio video LMS, you can monitor course completion status to make sure that users are actually taking advantage of the resources available to them. This data helps you decide the courses that you should amplify, remove, or rework.

You can access Course-specific reports within the “Course” tab, under “Published Courses” for each course group. Here is a snapshot of different Course Report types:

Shown if the course has been sent out privately. It shows you the users who have not yet accessed your course.

Shows a summary overview for each user, including anonymous ones. It includes a summary of quizzes, tests, and learning activities.

Shows you the list of feedback from your users, including attached files from users.

Shows a report of all registered users of the course.

Shows the status for each final test session.

Shows all users currently in progress with a final test on the course.

Shows quiz scores for each topic in a course.

Shows the details of each topic and practice questions.

Show practice question scores for each topic in a course.

Find here details of all user invites and their statuses, i.e., sent, accessed, or expired.

Shows user achievements with details about each badge/certificate. You can also download a PDF version of the user’s achievement.

uQualio Courses Analytics

Communication & Messages

Message Users

Under Reports on the uQualio video eLearning platform, you can also send messages to your users.

  • Select a report that shows the relevant users you want to address.
  • If you need to send to a smaller group of users, update your filters in the grid to match the relevant people you want to message.
  • Check the box against the user you want to message.
  • Press “Send message.”
  • In the pop-up window, write your message, and choose if you want to send the message either as a notification, email, SMS, or as a combination.
  • Finally, send “Press.”
uQualio's Communication & Messaging

Reporting & Communication

Reporting & Communication
Reporting & Communication

In-Depth Reporting & Analytic Tools to Help You Easily Track User Performance!

View Account Summary

View a diagrammatic summary of your account and an overview of your courses, channels, and users in Dashboards.

View Report Types

Get detailed information specific to courses, topics, resources, user’s actions, and more.

Save/Select Searches

Save your search or choose an already saved search to see filtered reports.

View Course Reports

Get detailed information specific to courses, including pending invites, test completion status, user feedback, etc.

Message Users

Choose users within individual reports to message them via email, SMS, notification, etc., nudging them to improve performance.

Assign Users to Groups

Choose users within individual reports to be assigned to a group, list, or channel.

Award-Winning Video Learning Platform!

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Yet another reason to use our award-winning video eLearning platform for your next training project.

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