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Best Sales Training Platform!

Improve your bottom line with engaging video-based sales training.

Giving your sales teams the right tools, techniques, and knowledge can be difficult. 

If you use uQualio to create video sales training courses to improve the knowledge and service of your team, then they can easily make the difference to help you succeed and even more importantly – increase your customer satisfaction and loyalty!

No credit card needed. No code. No hassle. All devices

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Why uQualio for Sales Training?

Automate the sales training process!

The uQualio video training platform makes it simple for you to provide the training that makes sales teams great. By automating your training processes, you can spend more time understanding the needs of them and how to facilitate them.

uQualio video eLearning is the perfect tool for making training programs in behavior, new product features and benefits.

Improve the Knowledge and Service of Your Sales Team

uQualio’s video eLearning platform provides around the clock, barrier-free access, on-demand, just-in-time training (JIT) to ensure sales associates, partners, and vendors are better equipped to handle the needs of all customers. Keep your sales team up to date on any changes to your sales methods, strategies and sales tools.

Use uQualio video eLearning platform to ensure that your partners understand how they should behave with customers generally, as well as safety compliance training, thus further improving the quality of all service delivered to the customer.

Furthermore, you can assign a campaign manager role to a shop owner/manager, so they can invite their sales reps and with this platform you then get to know who they are and can send them new training courses now and in the future.

women working in front of a whiteboard
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Testimonial from FREMCO

The challenge FREMCO was facing was this: they were expanding into several new regions hereby rapidly expanding both their consumer and their employee base. Everyone needed to be aligned in learning FREMCO’s key areas. The choice landed on uQualio as the key platform to train both employees and clients.

The main benefits from choosing uQualio is security and control. In other video platforms, I can’t be 100% sure that my data isn’t shared with a third party. Or in YouTube, for instance, I can’t be sure that an Ad from our competitor won’t show up at the beginning of our training video. We need a controlled environment because of the specialized work that we do. And that’s the main benefit of uQualio: To provide an efficient, secure, video-based platform for specialized companies, that rely on expertise, and must share that expertise across platforms, regions, and corporate cultures. Besides that, uQualio is the only platform that truly enables distribution of management. Meaning all employees AND resellers can share courses with end-customers directly in the day-to-day user interface. You don’t need to be an IT-expert to manage the growth of world-wide users.” Says Kenneth Filipsen, Sales manager, Fremco.

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Transform Sales Training with the uQualio Video eLearning Platform

User-Friendly Platform

Make learning easy and inviting for your employees, with an easy-to-navigate platform that is actually fun to use.

We Speak Your Language

Located globally? Not a problem. Add captions to the videos and switch the user interface settings to the language they feel comfortable with.

Engage Learning with Gamification

Engage employees by making gamification a part of your training. Use quiz, badges, and certifications to make learning fun.

Available on All Devices

Make it easy to train anytime and anywhere. Log in from any device or browser and complete courses.

White-Label Customization

Customize the look and feel of your platform so it represents your brand, culture, and organizational identity.

Standardize Training

You build the channel and the content that you want available to your users. Keep your training consistent across your organization, while making sure everyone is getting and understanding the same information.

Target Different Users on the Same Platform

With uQualio you can create courses and share them in one or multiple channels targeted at different users, whether they be customers, partners, or employees with different access rights.


Communicate in the platform. You can send bulk emails and text messages or communicate with users individually. 


Track and measure your employees’ progress across the board with our customizable reporting tool. Get the information you need easily.

Lower Training Costs

Lower your training costs by being able to eliminate travel, venues, and instructor-led courses. Bringing your training online allows employees to train at will and for courses to be updated when needed. 

Save Time on Training

Help employees train online, on-demand, and at their own pace. Ensure maximum knowledge retention and understanding by implementing quizzes and tests.

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August 2, 2022

Best Sales Training platform! Increase your sales by training your sales partners digitally. Giving your sales teams the right tools,

Award-Winning LMS!

Our contribution to making video eLearning easy and affordable, has won several prizes.

Yet an other reason to use our award winning video eLearning platform for your next training project.

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