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Fully Customizable All-in-One Video eLearning Platform

Give your white-label platform account the look and feel of your brand.

Configure everything – from system and user settings, to design, templates, languages, and more – to make it truly yours!

No coding, credit card, & upfront payment required

Easy-to-configure all-in-one video learning platform.

Self-Service Video Guides to make Customizations super-simple for you!

System Configuration

System & Course Settings

User Permission Settings



eCommerce Setup

Configure the Overall System

Customize the uQualio all-in-one video learning platform to match your eLearning requirements.

  • Account Details: Enter your account name and add details like company name, tax details for billing, website, etc.
  • Email: Lets you set the “From” email address when you send invitations from the platform.
  • Domain Name: Set up your DNS name. Under this setting, you can change the URL name of the platform.
  • Language: Choose from the 15 languages available to support your users.
  • Resource Download: Select if the users can download your resource files on Channel and Course pages.
  • Resource File Type: By default, it is limited to most common file types, but you can allow the upload of all file types.
  • Bulk Group Creation: Allows you to easily create groups of users in one step.
  • Account Default Page: Set the page the users are redirected to if all other things fail – company website, directory page, or any other website.
  • Compliance Courses: Choose if you want to enable compliance courses, which are locked and cannot be updated.
  • Roles & Permissions: This option allows you to enable or disable the Course Assistant role globally and locally
  • Email Domains Pass & Block: Filter email domains to either block or allow direct access to the domain.
uQualio configuration settings

Configure Course Page Settings

Customize your course and course page settings on the uQualio white-label platform to meet the needs of your business and learners.

  • Directory Settings: Enable or disable Directory, and choose other related settings, such as access type, filter type, and more.
  • Top Navigation Bar: Adjust the top Navigation bar to show (or hide) the sign-in option, language, notification, etc.
  • Footer Settings: Choose to show or hide your Commercial Terms, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, or generate text with a link.
  • Social Sharing: Decide if you want to show social media links, allow users to follow each other, or display the sharing of user profiles.
  • Course Page Widgets: Customize what you want your users to see on the course page – activities, stats, messages, badges, etc.
  • Video Player: Adjust Video Player Settings with standard and limited controls available.
  • Caption Settings: Choose caption language as well as text and design.
  • Content Editor: Define names for Categories and Skill Levels for your courses.
  • Reports: Define the user fields to be shown by the system in Reports and elsewhere, and date range for the reports.
  • Screen Recorder: Enable or disable automatic “start” and “stop” for Screen Recorder
uQualio course page settings

Define User Permission Settings

Define permissions and access rights for different users on the uQualio self-service white-label platform.

  • Allow User Signup: Choose if you want users to be able to sign up themselves and/or if the user can request access.
  • User Pre-Signup Message: Configure a text about user rights and data protection that the user must approve to sign in.
  • User Registration Fields: Enable User Registration Fields and define optional and mandatory fields.
  • Permission Settings: Choose to show and define/use ‘standard’ pre-sign-up marketing consent message with user rights on your platform.
  • User Properties: Decide to show or hide the optional user properties, like Organization, Organization Code, Role, and Department.
uQualio user permission settings

Customize Platform Design

Brand the uQualio white-label video eLearning platform to look like and represent your brand, product, or customer with a range of visual customization options.

  • Logo Settings: Add logo to your uQualio white-label platform in two different sizes, so that it appears correctly on desktops and mobile devices.
  • Color Settings: Customize the background colors and the Menu Bar, Menu Bar Text Font, Footer, and Footer Text Font to match your brand colors.
  • Button Colors: Customize the button colors to match your brand identity or enhance user experience.
  • Start Button: Choose the color and text color of the Start button on the Course page.
  • Account Styling: Personalize your uQualio account’s standard images for both content and channel, so a new channel or course always starts right.
  • Badges: Define the global setting for design and border color of your badges. You can also add your account’s standard image to be shown on the badge.
uQualio design settings

Define Notification Template

The uQualio multilingual, video-based eLearning platform allows you to define your own Notification templates based on the standard templates. You can add a new template – which overrides the standard templates – with the following specifications:

  • Notification template name
  • Language (choose from the available ones)
  • Notification type (choose from the dropdown menu)
  • Notification template subject
  • Notification template message
message template settings

Enable eCommerce Functionality

Activate eCommerce functionality on your uQualio white-label platform account.

  • Once you enable this feature, you need to add your existing Stripe account, or create a new one and add it to the platform.
  • While enabling the eCommerce feature, you must define your product.
  • Define the product price structure for every currency in which you want to sell your product
  • A default currency will be automatically selected and displayed first to your users.
uQualio eCommerce settings

Platform Configurability Process

uQualio Platform Configurability Schema
uQualio Platform Configurability Schema

Customizable Video LMS to Completely Match Your Brand Identity

Configure the System

Add account details, emails, languages, domain name, compliance course option, etc.

Personalize System & Course Settings

Customize directory, navigation bar, video player, social sharing, and other Course page settings & widgets.

Define User Settings

Define user properties, access rights, permission settings, etc.

Customize Platform Design

Customize design, colors, images, etc., to best represent your brand

Configure Notification

Customize your notification message in multiple languages.

Enable eCommerce

Set up Stripe payment to receive payment on your products (courses) on the customizable video LMS.

Award-Winning Video Learning Platform!

Our contribution to making video eLearning easy and affordable has won us several awards.

Yet another reason to use our award-winning video eLearning platform for your next training project.

Active usersHelped many amazing global companies
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ROIOur platform is worth your while!
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