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Applied Information achieves customer success with extended enterprise software onboarding

Applied Science Success story

Key benefits achieved: 

  • Engaging training: Replaces boring manuals with bite-sized videos, resulting in over 17,000 views. 
  • Data security and control: Ensures confidentiality and prevents competitor ads. 
  • Customization: Tailors training courses to specific needs, with 76 courses available. 
  • Easy access: Integrated as a “Help” button for instant support. 
  • Measurable results: 3,000 certifications completed demonstrate the effectiveness of the training.

Applied Science Success story
uQualio Video Training Platform for End-User Training
Applied Information

“It’s very simple, really… uQualio was the only real video-based platform that came on our radar when we were looking to replace those boring training manuals. It is one of a kind, and it is exactly what we needed!”

video learning platform in USA

Peter Ashley

(VP of Business Development at Applied Information)


Interview with Peter Ashley, Vice President, Business Development at Applied Information.

Applied Information is a leading developer of connected, intelligent transportation system (ITS) solutions designed to improve safety, reliability, and mobility. Applied Information’s Glance Smart City Supervisory System™ platform allows cities to manage all their traffic and ITS assets on one web-based application. This includes 5 key areas: Traffic Intersections, School Beacons, Parking Guidance System, Mobile Vehicle Assets, and ITS devices.

The Challenge

Applied information had two major software and hardware training requirements: first, to train the distribution on how to use and get support for its products, and second, to sell its products and showcase their features.

The company had really fantastic manuals, but no one wants to read them. The reason is simple: people usually see text-heavy manuals as a chore. Applied Information wanted to take advantage of the fact that we live in the day and age of video and information, which allows anyone to look for any topic they want to know about and get a bit more knowledgeable in no time.

Therefore, the company started searching for a fully video-based eLearning platform as it needed short, bite-sized videos for software training and tech support purposes – somewhat like YouTube videos, but on a private platform.

The company had two major concerns: data security and control and therefore the need for a private video platform. Applied Information wants to be sure that its data is not shared with any third party, and that no ads from its competitor show up at the beginning of its training video.

The Solution

uQualio perfectly meets the computer hardware and software training requirements of Applied Information as it allows the company to “convert” its user manuals into video-based self-support courses. Moreover, with uQualio, Applied Information now has full control over the flow of information, which means that the company can tailor the software and computer hardware training courses to its needs, enabling them to convey knowledge and expertise in their eLearning.

The Result

Applied Information now compiles its text-based user manuals into video-based courses. The company then uploads these short, bite-size videos topics for training, and shares its content through the uQualio eLearning platform effortlessly.

Applied Information has added uQualio as their “Help” button in the ‘Glance’ system, to get easy access to all their “Help” videos to know how feature works. They have introduced all of Applied Information customers to the system in “Introduction to Applied Information Video Help.”

What Applied Information Thinks About uQualio?

Peter thinks that uQualio is the only real video-based platform. It is one of a kind and exactly what his company needs.


Full transcript of Interview with Peter Ashley from Applied Information

Q: Why did Applied Information need uQualio?

“We have fantastic manuals, believe it or not. But no one wants to read manuals. Even back then, people saw it as a chore. If you purchased a television, did you take time to read the manual? No. You’d toss it away and start hooking it up the best you can. Fortunately, now, we live in the age of video and the age of information. We can look up any topic and get just a little bit wiser in a matter of minutes.”

Q: What was the strategic purpose behind Applied Information’s buying the uQualio platform?

“We wanted to use the video eLearning platform for two main purposes, actually: one was to train up that distribution on how to use and get support for our products, and the second purpose was how to sell our products and showcase their features. Training is needed for both and for that, uQualio fit the task perfectly!”

Q: What benefits have you gotten from using uQualio?

“The main benefit is security and control. In other video training platforms, I cannot be 100% sure that my data isn’t shared with a third-party. Or on YouTube, for instance, I cannot be sure that an ad from our competitor won’t show up at the beginning of our training video. Well, the fact that we can “convert” our user manuals into video-based courses was the main one. But also, that we control the flow of information, so we could tailor it to our needs was a major benefit. That means, we can convey knowledge and expertise in our eLearning.”

Q: How did Applied Information make the courses?

“Well, it was both simple and the result of a joint effort. Of course, we needed to compile our content, what we wished to convey. That was the real effort. But once we’ve compiled everything we needed, the rest was simple. By uploading videos targeted for training, we could easily edit them, and share our content throughout the platform. We needed short, bite-sized videos, and to use them, we were looking for learning platforms that were fully video-based.”

Q: What differed uQualio from the other competitors. Was there a reason you chose them specifically?

“It’s very simple, really… uQualio was the only real video-based platform that came on our radar. And we did look. It is one of a kind, and it is exactly what we needed!”

Applied Information has added uQualio to their Help button in the systems. You can see how the Help feature works. It’s also introduced to customers of Applied Information’s app in their ‘Introduction to Applied Information Video Help’.”

Applied Information

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Customer Education

“What surprised me about uQualio was discovering that you could create a video without any software installation. In just minutes, you can have a video ready, and in 1 extra minute, you could have the link ready to send to a customer. If you don’t currently have a video training platform, uQualio is a very user-friendly option to get started with. It’s easy to familiarize yourself with and start recording videos.”
Lars Olafson, CEO of Orderstep
Lars Olafson, CEO of Orderstep

Lars Olafsson

Founding Partner and CEO/CTO of Orderstep

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Customer Onboarding

“uQualio is like Udemy, but for private use within your own company. It has been really easy to set up incl. adding small videos and quizzes. Definitely saving time and just one less thing to worry about, which is very important when you’re a founder. So, if you have to repeat something more than twice, you should make a video.”
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Bodil Biering

Founder and CEO of Cyberjuice

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Employee Onboarding and Compliance Training

Managing our orientation courses has never been easier! It is easy to update small parts of the courses, and easy for management to see who is learning and who has not gone through the material, which is very important for ISO certification. We can update content effortlessly and keep tabs on learner progress seamlessly. It’s made a huge difference in how we ensure everyone stays engaged and informed! Please try it out, it takes away a lot of the training related worries you may have.
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CEO of Fcoders buddhishan

Buddhishan Manamperi

Co-CEO of Fcode

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Award-Winning Video Learning Platform!

Our contribution to making video eLearning easy and affordable has won us several awards.

Yet another reason to use our award-winning video eLearning platform for your next training project.

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