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Orderstep significantly reduces support burden, ensuring effective customer education with uQualio

Key benefits: 

  • Ease of use: Create video training and share it with any audience in minutes.
  • Screen-Casting: Screen record, upload, and share video training, without the need for any special equipment.
  • Video-Based Training: Make complex concepts and topics comprehensible with interactive videos.
  • Web-Based Platform: Share training with customers on any connected device, without installing software.
  • Scalability: Scale your training as your business grows.
  • Security: Completely ad-free experience in a secure environment, with full control over data.
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uQualio Video Training Platform for End-User Training
Orderstep testimonial picture Lars Olafsson, CEO

“What surprised me about uQualio was discovering that you could create a video without any software installation. In just minutes, you can have a video ready, and in 1 extra minute, you could have the link ready to send to a customer. If you don’t currently have a video training platform, uQualio is a very user-friendly option to get started with. It’s easy to familiarize yourself with and start recording videos. 

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(Founding Partner and CEO/CTO of Orderstep)


Interview with Lars Olafsson, Founding Partner and CEO of Orderstep  

Based in Ballerup, Demark, Orderstep offers an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the way businesses handle their sales and order flow. With a deep understanding of the challenges companies face in their daily processes, Orderstep offers a comprehensive solution that streamlines processes from lead generation to final billing, ensuring efficiency and improving customer satisfaction. 

Orderstep uses uQualio for customer support and education. 

The Challenge

The Orderstep system is an easy-to-use software that offers a lot of flexibility and features. Orderstep uses uQualio to ensure that users get the most out of those features by giving them training videos that give the full understanding of each feature in minutes. Thereby ensuring the feature can bring more value to the user. Orderstep found that it can often be hard to explain exactly how a feature works over the phone or through text. And found that with a short video, they achieve a much faster understanding of a feature. And increase user satisfaction with the software.  

Initially, they chose YouTube for video training, but soon realized that it was quite a hassle. This is because it required them to record the videos on software installed on the computer first, then add sound if needed, and finally upload the video to YouTube. Thereafter, a link had to be created to make the video public. It also required considering how it looked and sounded since it would be searchable on YouTube, making the overall process very cumbersome and difficult for Orderstep. 

To overcome these issues, the company began searching for a simple, reliable, secure, and ad-free customer training solution, where they could have full control over data. 

The Solution

With uQualio, Orderstep now creates instruction videos that explain the product, making it easy for the user to watch them and understand exactly where to click and what to do on their platform.  

Additionally, the company uses uQualio to create ad hoc videos. If someone in the support team encounters a user with a specific issue, they can do a short video and share a link to that customized video with that specific customer through their platform. So basically, Orderstep uses uQualio to create tailored videos for individual customers when they need help. 

Besides, the company uses uQualio for internal documentation. For example, once a new feature is rolled out or internal training is developed, Orderstep creates videos for their internal teams. When the development team finishes a feature, they record a video explaining how it works, allowing the support team to be trained more quickly and efficiently. 

The Result

When it comes to customer education, uQualio has certainly made things easier for Orderstep. With uQualio, the company can explain system-specific challenges to customers more effectively – and they can often find the relevant information themselves.  Plus, the company is saving enough time in support.  

Orderstep now has a centralized place for resources. So, when the company receives a support ticket for how to do a specific thing, they can provide the customer with a link to a relevant video first, which usually resolves 80% of their issue, thereby reducing the burden on the support team.  

Since the Orderstep’s’ customers find most of the things on their own, the company now spends less time on support. The company is also able to explain complex aspects of their system more efficiently, without spending too much time on explanations.  

The company aims to expand their support team in the future as they think videos would play a crucial role in their internal training and in providing features and documentation to their customers.

What Does Orderstep Think about uQualio?

Ease-of-use is what Lars particularly likes most about uQualio as with this video training platform, one just needs to log in, click a button, record the video, create the link, and send it to whoever needs to see it. He also likes the fact that uQualio allows anyone to create a video without any software installation – in just 5 minutes, one can have a video ready, and in one extra minute, generate the link to the video and send it to the customer.  

Lars finds uQualio as a very user-friendly option to get started with, which is easy to familiarize oneself with and to start recording videos. He further adds that uQualio allows for growth alongside the company as one doesn’t need to look elsewhere to scale training as the company grows. Lars considers the service received from uQualio exceptional and states that the uQualio team is very receptive to feedback. According to him, the outstanding support that he has been getting from uQualio is one of the main reasons for sticking with the video eLearning platform.  

Woman with computer with orderstep software

Full Transcript of Interview with Lars Olafsson, CEO of Orderstep

Q: First of all, tell us a bit about Orderstep and what it is that you do?

Orderstep is a quotation platform first and foremost. What we do is keep track of all the quotes that you send out to your customers, so you can follow up on them. In this way you become proactive towards your customers, remember what you’ve sent, and all things that are there. And also it’s a kind of customer relationship management system, so a CRM system. So we keep track of your customers data. We keep track of what you talk with the customers about. And you can actually do the whole sales process on our platform. We have a lot of add-ons where you can track the orders you have and follow up on the status. You can integrate those orders to other systems. You can do the invoicing, you can then book the invoicing into your financial system. Plus we have a subscription service, so you can automatically send out monthly or recurring invoices to your customers, so you don’t forget to send them. We also do like B2B Webshop. So, when you have customers that need to order something that they have bought from you and it might need spare parts, then you can provide them with a link with the spare parts it needs and easily reorder stuff. So that’s more or less what we do. But we probably do a lot more than that, but these are the highlights. 

Q: What challenges did you face before purchasing uQualio?

As you can see, our system offers a lot of features. Its not easy to teach the user all the features in one go. So they might require assistance later on, to remember how the feature works. So sometimes, we need to assist them with support and explain how to do certain tasks. We were struggling with this because it can be challenging to explain over the phone, through chat, or via email exactly how a feature works. 

With uQualio, we can create standard videos that explain the product, making it easy for users to watch a video and see on the screen exactly where to click and what to do. Additionally, we can create ad hoc videos. If someone in support encounters a user with an issue, we can record a short video and send a link to that specific video tailored for that specific customer on their platform. We’ve been using uQualio mainly to create customized videos for individual customers when they need them.

Q: How did you discover uQualio?

Well, I’ve known you guys for quite some time. It actually happened through networking, as we say in Danish. You meet people, you talk to people, and through this, we got to know each other. I met Christian many years ago, and my co-founder, Monica, also knows Christian from way back. So, when we faced this challenge, Monica and I discussed it and thought, “Didn’t Christian develop some software that could help with this?” That’s when we reached out to Christian, and that’s how we got in touch with uQualio.

Q: What has your experience been with uQualio?

It’s been really easy to upload everything, and to set up the whole course, adding small videos and quizzes. One thing I really liked was that you can share a public link to a course, so people don’t necessarily have to log in to see the course. Only if they want a certificate with their name, do they have to provide it. But it was very nice that you don’t have to create an additional login. I also know that there’s an API option so that we can actually integrate it when you’re logged into the Cyberjuice platform, allowing you to automatically retrieve records. We’re looking into that as a next step.

Q: What was your main concern that would have prevented you from buying this and what put your fears to rest?

One of the concerns is always about whether you’ll still have access to the videos you create after investing so much time in them. This is a common fear with any software purchase. You worry that after buying the software, the company might change its roadmap, alter services, or, worst-case scenario, get hacked. What happens then? Will I still have access to my content? How much of an investment am I making that I might lose in the future? 

Another concern is time investment. You spend lots of time preparing and creating these videos, and then there’s the fear that they could just disappear. You wonder, “Where are they? Why aren’t they there?” 

However, after using uQualio’s product for a while, I haven’t encountered any of those issues. So far, it works well for us and our product. I hope the company will be around for a long time, so I don’t lose my videos. And if, for any reason, the service stops, I know I can download them. 

Q: Why did you end up choosing uQualio? What convinced you?

The service we received was exceptional. Whenever we had problems or issues, they were taken very seriously, and we were never left alone to figure things out. We always had someone to ask, someone to talk to, and someone to help guide us through the challenges we faced. If something wasn’t working as expected, the team was very receptive to feedback. While not everything was implemented, some updates were made that improved the product’s usability. For me, it’s crucial when choosing software to have support and not be left to handle everything on your own. Today, we continue to use the uQualio platform for that very reason.

Q: Has it solved all of your problems, or is there something you haven't solved yet?

I would put it like this: I think it could solve all of our problems, but it also takes time on our part to actually use the product correctly. You will not get the full benefit of a product if you don’t have the time to actually use it. Being a small startup with other priorities, it’s also hard to allocate time to get the full benefits out of uQualio. For example, we would love to document the entire platform, showing how every feature works, but we don’t have the time to do that with the resources we have today. So, while there are still challenges that uQualio could solve, we just haven’t had the time to address them yet.

Q: When you look at the results you've achieved using uQualio, is it saving you time, money, or something else? Can you quantify these results or perhaps talk about customer satisfaction?

I would say it’s more about making things easier, especially when we face challenges. With uQualio, we can explain challenges to customers more effectively, and they can often find information themselves. We have a centralized place for resources, so when we receive support tickets asking, “How do we do this?”, we can provide a link to a video first. This video might resolve 80% of their issue, which reduces the support load on our end. While I don’t have exact figures on time saved, we are definitely saving time in support. However, creating these resources also takes time, so we’re currently balancing the investment between making videos and directly answering support tickets. That’s why we sometimes create videos ad hoc, whenever we needed to answer a specific question. This is where uQualio shines—it’s incredibly easy to use. So, we kind of create videos whenever we need to, to answer questions and stuff like this. uQualio is very easy because you have the screen recoring feature built in. So whenever you need to record a video, I can do it on any device on, anywhere basically. I can make a screen recording, upload it, and send it to the customer, without needing any special equipment.

Q: So, if you had to mention three benefits you've experienced from using uQualio, what would they be?

I would say, we’ve seen a slight reduction in support needs. Customers are finding things on their own, so we spend less time on support. We’re able to explain complex aspects of our system more efficiently, without spending too much time on explanations. For instance, whenever we complete a project or finish something for a customer, we create a process within the product that outlines exactly how they should proceed. We then record videos that guide them step-by-step like, “You do this here, then click here, then do that”—all within the product itself. This provides them with a clear workflow to follow. So, they see the whole workflow, so they have guide for them to follow. 

Additionally, we use these videos for internal documentation. For example, when we roll out new features or conduct internal training, we create videos for our internal teams as well. Once our development team finishes a feature, they can record a video explaining how it works. This allows our support team to be trained more quickly and efficiently. These internal videos don’t need to be as polished, as we ensure that videos for external partners like customers are of higher quality.

Q: What exactly do you like most about uQualio? Is it that you can make a video quickly?

For me, the most important thing is that if I need to make a video or display something to someone, I can log in, click a button, record the video, create the link, and send it to whoever needs to see it. That’s why I like uQualio so much.

Q: What has surprised you the most or made you the happiest about uQualio?

I would say the feature that surprised me the most is one I wouldn’t have anticipated before starting with uQualio. I’m familiar with platforms like YouTube, that we used for our videos before. It used to be quite a hassle because you had to record the videos on software installed on your computer first, then add sound if needed, and finally upload the video to YouTube. After that, you’d have to create a link, making the video publicly available. You’d need to consider how it looked and sounded since it would be searchable on YouTube. This process was very cumbersome and difficult for me. 

So, waht surprised me about uQualio was discovering that you could create a video without any software installation. In just 5 minutes, you can have a video ready, and in 1 extra minute, you could have the link ready to send to a customer. That’s probably the most surprising thing for me—that this functionality was built into the software from the start.

Q: What about the future of training at your company? How do you envision that uQualio can enable your scale and growth as a company?

We hope to welcome many more customers in the future and expand our support department. As our team grows, managing everything will become more complex, making both internal and external training increasingly important. For instance, when we hire new support staff or release new features, we often encounter the most support requests. We need to train both our customers and support staff during these times. I foresee video becoming a more significant part of our training process, as it’s easier and more engaging to watch a 2 or 5-minute video than to read a similar-length text. Videos are gentler in the eyes and more motivating for people compared to reading a manual. Therefore, I anticipate that videos will play a crucial role in our internal training, as well as in providing features and documentation to our customers.

Q: If you were to recommend uQualio to your best friend, what would you say?

I would put it this way: If they don’t currently have a video training platform, uQualio is a very user-friendly option to get started with. It’s easy to familiarize yourself with and start recording videos. You can essentially dip your toes in, try it out, and see how it works to determine if video training is right for you. Additionally, from what I can see of your features, uQualio allows for growth alongside the company. As their needs expand, they won’t have to switch to another vendor because uQualio can support that growth. 

Often, larger vendors require a significant investment of time and resources to get started. With uQualio, you can begin easily and determine if your organization is ready for it. You can start with one person within the company, test it out, create some videos, and then decide if it makes sense for your organization to use this product. This is one of the key advantages I see with uQualio.

Q: What advice would you give to others that are looking at potentially switching to a video eLearning platform for their training needs? What would you say to them about switching platform or, maybe trying it out if they haven't had one before?

If they haven’t used video training before, they should definitely give it a try. In my experience, explaining things with video is much easier. If they already have a platform but find it difficult to use, they might be doing something wrong. It should be easy to create videos. For instance, while I can make a video picture-perfect, which takes more time, a quick video to explain or show something to a customer can be made in just five minutes. This method saves a lot of time compared to explaining things over a call or through a screen share. With video, I can send the content to the customer, who can then watch it at their convenience. This approach streamlines support and eliminates the need to find a common time for live interactions.

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Yet another reason to use our award-winning video eLearning platform for your next training project.

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