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DORA slashes customer onboarding time by 87% with uQualio's video training platform.

Key benefits: 

  • Reduced onboarding time: From multiple 3-hour visits to 45-minute virtual sessions. 
  • Improved cash flow: Instant invoicing after sales meetings. 
  • Scalability: No longer limited by in-person visits. 
  • 24/7 Support: Integrated into website for instant access. 
  • Versatility: Used for onboarding, training, and support. 


uQualio Video Training Platform for End-User Training
Rikke Høyer Cofounder & CCO of Dora Nordic ApS

“With uQualio, you get instant value! As soon as you share video training with your customers, you instantly start saving time. It has helped us save a lot of time and resources too and enabled us to scale the way we wanted. We no longer need to visit each of our customers and meet them in-person, which has significantly improved our order-to-cash flow.”

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Rikke Høyer

(Cofounder & CCO of Dora Nordic ApS)


Interview with Rikke Høyer, Cofounder & CCO of Dora Nordic ApS.​

DORA is a transport management system (TMS) that helps freight transport carriers save time and provide great customer service. It is an intelligent scheduling system for freight forwarding and trucking businesses. DORA supports small and medium-sized companies in achieving economies of scale.

DORA believes that all players in the industry should have the opportunity to keep up – also in a digital world. Therefore, DORA automates the time-consuming manual work and reduces typing time, enabling its customers to make the best decisions.

DORA uses the uQualio video eLearning platform for customer onboarding, product training, customer support, and employee training.

The Challenge

  • The main challenge for Dora was the frustratingly time-consuming onboarding. It required them to visit each customer individually by car, visiting the customer’s location for around 3 hours.
  • Second, the company has a target audience who are not quite comfortable reading lengthy text manuals.
  • Third, this SaaS company needs to frequently update a lot of features, which requires them to send out paper manuals each time, which is neither practical nor good for the environment.
  • Fourth, DORA has drivers as one of their target audiences, who can be anywhere in the world, and the company wants to be able to onboard them anywhere.
  • Fifth, the company wants to educate its customers about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting.

The Solution

To overcome all these challenges, particularly the one related to onboarding – which is a major hurdle to the way they want to scale – the company started looking for a cloud-based SaaS video training solution.

In terms of features, they want a platform where they can do training in steps and add questions to their modules. To offer 24/7 virtual support to their customers, the company also wants a training solution that can be integrated into their website under ‘Help & Support’ for FAQs and other general queries and common issues.

During their search, they came across uQualio, and quickly realized that it was exactly what they needed.

The Result

The uQualio video training platform has significantly reduced the customer onboarding time for DORA as they no longer need to visit individual customers, saving them a lot of travel time.

Moreover, uQualio has allowed the company to shorten the onboarding process as they now get it done virtually through videos that are hardly 45 minutes long. Overall, uqualio has remarkably streamlined the DORA’s customer onboarding process and all of the company’s customers are now getting consistent training, regardless of their location.

uQualio has been integrated into DORA’s website as part of its ‘Help & Support’ section, enabling DORA to provide timely support to their customers via self-help video guides.

Quick customer onboarding has also resulted in better cash flow as the company can now invoice their customers right in the sales meeting should they want to start immediately.

DORA is also using uQualio for onboarding new employees and the continuous training of existing employees.

As far as the future of training is concerned, DORA has two projects in the pipeline with uQualio: one for the drivers’ training and another for a knowledge hub about environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting.

What Does DORA Think about uQualio?

Rikke thinks that uQualio has actually enabled DORA to scale. She recommends uQualio to everyone, as she believes that the video training platform gives instant value. She particularly likes the option to add questions (quizzes and tests) to video training as it acts as a checkpoint to see if the user has completed the assigned course.

She also likes the fact that uQualio can be customized to match your own platform and the needs of your customers. She is also happy about receiving excellent feedback from DORA’s customers as with uQualio, they can now do things by themselves as per their convenience. 

truck on road

Full Transcript of Interview with Rikke Høyer, Cofounder & CCO of Dora Nordic ApS.​

Q: What does DORA do?

“DORA is a transport management system (TMS) that helps freight transport carriers save time and provide great customer service. Our main target audience comprises carriers with a fleet of up to 30 trucks. We also focus on climate and CO2 reporting, which is a major issue due to new EU legislation for the majority of our customers. Basically, DORA enables ‘analog’ people to switch from ‘pen and paper’ to ‘digital.’”

Q: What problem were you facing before buying uQualio? Why did you start looking for a software solution, like uQualio?

“Onboarding was our main problem before buying uQualio. It was frustratingly time-consuming as it was tough for many of our customers to learn how to get started with and use DORA efficiently. This is still a major issue for our competitors in the SaaS market. Furthermore, we had to make two calendars for every customer.”

“Before uQualio, we had to visit and train them in person, which was a major hurdle to our growth; particularly, with respect to the way we wanted to scale.”

“uQualio seriously helped us overcome that challenge of scaling by remarkably reducing the customer onboarding time as today, we no longer need to visit each of our customers individually.”

Q: When did you first discover uQualio?

“uQualio was recommended to us by someone, and we thought to give it a try.  Turned out, it was exactly what we were looking for – something that ticked all the right boxes.”

Q: What were you looking for in your software solution?

“We were looking for a video training platform that could allow us to do training in steps and add questions to our training modules. We also wanted a solution where we could add ‘Support’ videos (or self-help video guides) on FAQs and other general queries and common issues to provide our customers with 24/7 ‘virtual’ support.”

Q: What kept you from buying uQualio sooner?

“To be true, it is not about buying uQualio sooner or later. This is because when we started out, we didn’t know what exactly we needed. Therefore, in the beginning, we did a lot of research to figure out our specific requirements, like what the onboarding process should look like, what steps it should involve, and so on. But once we were clear with our onboarding requirements and came across uQualio, we quickly realized that it was the solution we were looking for and decided to try it out – since prior to uQualio, we had been doing it all manually.”

Q: How did you define the steps?

“To define the customer onboarding steps, my colleagues and I did something like a workshop. We began by figuring out the challenges of onboarding customers the conventional, old-school way. Then, we started to look for possible solutions, and eventually decided to try out uQualio.”

“Initially, we tested uQualio with some of our customers, and subsequently made some adjustments to this white-label video platform, based on their feedback. Moreover, we think that we will continue to make such adjustments to meet our evolving needs in the future as we scale.”

Q: Is it easy to do videos on uQualio?

“Yes, I think so. However, it is one of my colleagues who creates the actual videos. Basically, this happens in two steps: first, I do a quick explainer video on how DORA features work, and then, she understands it and creates the “Customer Support” (or customer-friendly) version of it. So, this way, we are using uQualio as a customer onboarding platform as well as an employee onboarding platform.”

Q: What made you choose uQualio over anything else you could have done?

“Well, there are a couple of reasons why we chose uQualio over other training solutions on the market.”  

“First, we have a specific target group which is not quite comfortable with reading lengthy manuals. So, we wanted a solution that could make the training more interesting and explanatory – and uQualio just made that possible with microlearning videos.” 

“Second, since we are a SaaS company, we frequently update DORA features. If we had to send out a paper manual each time, that would be neither feasible nor good for the environment.”  

“Third, we have drivers as one of our target audiences, who can be anywhere in the world. We integrated uQualio Video4Learning into your application and now we can reach and onboard them as well, without any geographical limitations or time constraints.”

Q: Can you briefly explain how you implemented the uQualio Video4Learning platform? Do you use it as a standalone solution or is it integrated into your website?

uQualio is integrated into our website, as part of the ‘Help & Support’ section. It is used by our Video Team to create self-help Customer Support videos. The team thinks that uQualio is simply great as we have customized it to match our own platform, and they are really happy about that.

Q: What results have you gotten from using uQualio Video4Learning? How much time or how many resources are you saving?

“Well, uQualio has helped us save a lot of time and resources too. Before uQualio, we had to travel a lot, visiting individual customers to onboard them with a hard paper manual, which was not practical at all.”

Q: How long did the onboarding process take earlier?

“Earlier, we had to make at least three visits, each requiring us to cover around 100 kilometers in one way and stay there for at least 3 hours to complete the onboarding process.”

“Thankfully, with uQualio, this is now being done in a much shorter period of time, since we no longer need to visit individual customers in person and our onboarding videos are hardly 45 minutes long.”

Q: If you had to mention three benefits you've experienced because of getting the uQualio video course creation and distribution platform, what are they?

“I think uQualio has helped us save a lot of time onboarding new customers, which is perhaps the main benefit. Second, we are using uQualio to offer timely support to our customers, as it is part of our platform’s “Help & Support” section, which has resulted in better customer success as we are now available to help them out anywhere, anytime with video training.”

“Third, instant customer onboarding has benefited us in terms of cash flow. For instance, in a sales meeting, if a client wants to start out instantly, we can quickly create a user profile for them, so they can start right from that moment, and we can invoice them soon after – which has improved our cash flow to some extent.”

“Overall, our customer onboarding is a lot more streamlined now and all of our clients are getting consistent training, regardless of their location.”

Q: Do you also use uQualio to add other people on the platform afterwards that weren’t there the day you were there?

“Yes, definitely! Since we are a small team, we might not be able to onboard a lot of people at the same time. Thankfully, it is now possible with uQualio, as it allows us to onboard customers at any time and from any part of the world. Plus, we are also using uQualio for onboarding new employees and the continuous training of existing employees.”

Q: Which features of the uQualio platform have you found to be the most valuable for you?

“The option to add questions (quizzes and tests) to video training is what we like most. This acts as a checkpoint to see if the users have seen and completed the assigned course – and if they were unable to answer some questions, they can revisit it as many times as they want.”

“Moreover, uQualio is a solution which you can customize to your preferences and the needs of your customers. This is not the case with the other eLearning solutions that are mainly designed for employee onboarding – and customer onboarding is a totally different affair.”

Q: What kind of feedback have you received about the training through uQualio?

“Our customers are really happy about using uQualio! We have continuously been getting positive feedback on the video courses created on uQualio. We have received excellent feedback from clients for being able to do things by themselves as per their convenience.”

Q: What about the future of training? How do you envision uQualio can enable you to scale and grow as a company?

“uQualio has actually enabled us to scale. Without uQualio, we wouldn’t have been able to resolve the onboarding issue, which was a major hurdle to our anticipated growth.”

“As far as the future of training is concerned, we have plans to use uQualio in other productive ways too. As mentioned earlier, we are planning to use uQualio to reach the drivers, our secondary target audience, and also to create a knowledge hub, similar to our platform’s ‘Help & Support’ section for customers.”

“So, we have two projects in the pipeline with uQualio: one for the drivers’ training and another for a knowledge hub about environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting.”

“We receive a lot of questions about ESG reporting from our prospects and existing customers, so we are planning to help them via video training on uQualio.”

Q: If you were to recommend uQualio to someone who was on the fence looking for something like this, what would you say to them?

“I would definitely recommend anyone to try out uQualio, as you get instant value. As soon as you begin making and sharing video training with your target audience, you start saving time from the moment your customer uses it for the first time.”

Q: If you were to recommend uQualio, what would you say about uQualio as a company?

“Support is really important to us, and so far, we have received excellent support from uQualio. Someone like us – a SaaS startup – must act fast and be able to give feedback. We are satisfied with uQualio’s simplicity and various features, and we know that the uQualio team takes our and our customer’s concerns seriously.”

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