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Development Roadmap: uQualio Video4Learning 

uQualio development roadmap


We release our development roadmap one to three times a week to support your business. Each release contains new features, updated features, minor improvements, and bug fixes. We aim is to keep you working without having to think about the platform. You focus on your business and how uQualio supports it. The development roadmap is updated on a regular basis. If you have any questions contact us through support or the chat in the application. 

uQualio on a mobile device

Current focus

  • AI Support AI Features like Captions, Transcripts, Content generation support, …
  • Enhanced Reporting: Introducing more detailed reports and sub-reports for comprehensive analytics.
  • Simplified Admin UI: Streamlining the admin user interface for ease of use.
  • Account Dashboards: Implementing dashboards across accounts, channels, and courses for better oversight.
  • Screen Recording: Improving the screen recording feature for higher quality captures.

Active development

  • AI Features for content generation support
  • TwentyThree Level 1 integration
  • Dashboards across the account, channels, and courses
  • Reports across the account and channels

Planned Updates

  • Multi-Tenant Capabilities: Developing a solution for content distribution between multiple accounts. The main account can push content to sub-accounts and get reporting data from sub-accounts on usage etc.
  • Advanced Role Management: Refining role management to better suit distributed scenarios.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Adding an extra layer of security with email and/or SMS verification.

Future Considerations

  • User Feedback: Allowing users to rate courses and influence future content development.
  • Email Customization: Providing editable email templates for personalized communication.
  • Search Enhancements: Updating search functionality with improved filters and sorting options. Adding a ChatGPT like natural language query feature.
  • Image Library includes options to lock usage to library images only
  • Download all videos from a content draft in one step, and download all content including resources, questions, and more in one step
  • Split large video files based on scene selections into smaller clips to improve delivery and user navigation
  • Autoplay of all topics (assuming no Advanced Settings define to require quiz, or watch to end)
  • Chat on the course page for participants to discuss and support
  • Online meeting Share screen with participants and record the session
  • Users can subscribe to tags and see search results in the Directory
  • Auto start a course when the user opens the course
  • Stop the video until the practice question is answered correctly
  • Channel and Course URL is definable as ‘nice’ URLs

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.