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Gamification in Learning

Gamification to enhance eLearning

Give Your eLearning a Competitive Edge with Gamification

Incorporating a competition can generate engagement, and inspire your employees to excel even further. Learn below how simple strategies like gamification, you can make learning fun, engaging, and memorable with proven campaign strategies.   Making eLearning Engaging and Fun A common prejudice concerning eLearning is that it is often a dry

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Education gamification and spacing in LMS

Do I Need Gamification and Spacing in My LMS?

By using education gamification as part of your learning strategy, you make it fun to learn. This in turn makes it fun for the learner and therefore they are more likely to complete the training and remember what they have just learned. How to Enhance Your Courses with Education Gamification?

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Video eLearning Software for Gamification in Corporate Training

Why Use Video eLearning Software for Gamification in Corporate Training 

Delight Your Corporate Learners with Exciting Gamification using Video eLearning Software and Achieve Terrific Learning Outcomes. Check out our tips on how to create it successfully! What Is Trending? Gamification focuses on creating immersive corporate training. It promotes ‘sticky’ learning which leads to better retention. Research has shown that integrating

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