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BIte-size Webinars

uQualio-Whereby Integration

Host Online ClassRoom with Whereby Live Video Meetings 

Exciting news, educators! uQualio is proud to announce our integration with Whereby, a leading video conferencing platform. If you have a Whereby subscription then this powerful partnership takes your online video course platform to the next level, allowing you to:  A Perfect Fit for Modern Education  The way we learn

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Bite-Sized Learning and Microlearning

Is Bite-Sized Learning and Microlearning the Same?

In today’s fast-paced world, learners are looking for ways to learn that are efficient and effective. Bite-sized learning and microlearning are two popular approaches that offer a number of benefits. But, are bite-sized learning and microlearning the same? What Is Bite-Sized Learning? Bite-sized eLearning is a method of breaking down

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Microlearning for Corporate Training

Microlearning for Corporate Training: Bite-Size Webinars

Maybe you have already heard of microlearning – or you have encountered the concept of ‘less is more’. Regardless, microlearning is a teaching approach that promotes bite-sized learning sessions that last no longer than 15 minutes. The principle is that this is the appropriate amount of knowledge our brains can

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Simplify your webinar with uQualio

6 ‘P’s to Simplify Your Webinars 

Whether you are an entrepreneur, creator, sales, or marketing person, chances are that you have considered running a webinar. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the things you have to do to plan, run and promote a webinar. Learn why and how easy it can be done and how

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repurpose your webinars

6 Ways to Repurpose Your Webinars 

Hosting webinars are a fantastic way to effectively market your service or product. Although webinars are very cost-effective, they can take a lot of time and effort to organize and present your content in an engaging way. One way to make the most of your time and effort is to

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uQualio Online Video Training Software: Blogs and News

Dynamic Micro Learning (DML) as a Transformation Accelerator

Modern businesses need to adopt a more dynamic approach to their business learning practices and eLearning creation authoring software or risk stagnation and being left behind by the ones who can quickly implement more agile, leaner models into their organizations. A Repeating Global Dilemma According to the World Bank, the world

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