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eLearning Market will Triple by 2025

eLearning market prediction


Global Industry Analysts has made market research that predicted that the eLearning market would reach $107 Billion in 2015 and it did!

The newest market research predicts a triple of the revenue! By 2025 eLearning will grow to $325 Billion[1].

Over the last decade, eLearning has positioned itself in our lives. Everyone enhances their knowledge every day, either by looking for a tutorial, reading the news, or even watching a TV show. All those moments spent on our phone, tablet, or computer are moments where people are open to learning something new, something they didn’t know before, and now there is even online learning that allows you to make your eLearning. Luckily, the effectiveness of eLearning has been proven by many studies and testimonies[2].

The global climate also benefits from online learning – it has been found that eLearning programs consumed around 90% less power and drastically reduces CO2 emissions. It is also a new way to save the trees, as there is no need for paper which makes eLearning very eco-friendly.

eLearning has numerous advantages. Discussed below are some of them:

online learning

Accessibly Is the Key to an eLearning Platform

Nowadays, it is common to see a picture, an article, or a video being shared around the world in less than 24 hours. On the same level, a video eLearning platform can be updated frequently and spread easily. Accessibility is the key of an eLearning platform, as long-term knowledge is accessible anywhere and anytime, offering an equal chance of success. And, of course, your own choice of topic and teacher.

Difficult to Gather Everyone Physically at the Same Time

Online learning is a way to study more efficiently without wasting time commuting from one place to another. The users can take the same lecture at different times. In general, eLearning allows people to work differently. All the classes can be done at any speed. This creates a space for freedom for anyone to increase their skills and feel less pressure during their education.

remote learning

eLearning Allows Follow up and Data

An online learning platform tracks views and gives you the details of your reach, including how many people are interested? Is the topic relevant? Moreover, you can use it for documenting the status or progress in your talents.

eLearning Helps Create Communities in Interest Areas

eLearning easily enables communities around a topic. This allows interested users to connect around a desire to increase knowledge and share information about the newest developments. For the trainer, it ensures good training, reduces time, travel, materials, follow-up, and leads to better profitability and results.

Photo credit: Kreatikar


– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.