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animation to bridge the gap between doctors and patients

Apply Animation to Narrow the Gap between Patients and Doctors 

Medical concepts are complicated and it is difficult to explain them to customers. Patients, who have zero medical knowledge may find it challenging to understand their conditions, medication, or pain. The confusions make patients less likely to go to hospitals or use medical treatment effectively. The healthcare business could surpass

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animated explainer videos simplify complex medical topics

Animated Explainer Videos Simplify 7 Complex Medical Topics 

Discover the untapped potential of animated explainer videos, far beyond its mere entertaining application – especially for creating eLearning courses. Also, learn how the uQualio online video training software can support the potential. For so long, medical education has remained one of the most challenging majors in any academic setting.

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spacing effect

The Spacing Effect: How to Improve Learning and Maximize Retention 

Discover the Spacing Effect and how microlearning works. About the Spacing Effect It demonstrates that learning is more effective when study sessions are spaced out. This effect shows that more information is encoded into long-term memory by spaced study sessions, also known as spaced repetition or spaced presentation, than by massed presentation. Researchers have

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how to avoid cognitive overload

May I be Excused? My Brain is Full! 

In Gary Larson’s famous cartoon, a student asks his teacher if he can be excused because his brain is full. It’s funny as a cartoon, but it is not funny from a corporate training standpoint. Cognitive overload is an all-too-common condition that results from presenting an amount of information that

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Simplify your webinar with uQualio

6 ‘P’s to Simplify Your Webinars 

Whether you are an entrepreneur, creator, sales, or marketing person, chances are that you have considered running a webinar. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the things you have to do to plan, run and promote a webinar. Learn why and how easy it can be done and how

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uQualio Online Video Training Software: Blogs and News

Dynamic Micro Learning (DML) as a Transformation Accelerator

Modern businesses need to adopt a more dynamic approach to their business learning practices and eLearning creation authoring software or risk stagnation and being left behind by the ones who can quickly implement more agile, leaner models into their organizations. A Repeating Global Dilemma According to the World Bank, the world

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How to Get the Most Out of Videos

How to Get the Most Out of Videos?

Video as a means of communication is becoming more and more common for all sizes of companies. Smartphones, drones, and social media make it very easy for everyone to produce and publish videos. Plus, it makes it possible for companies to act in a much more agile manner and reach

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