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Microlearning or macrolearning for corporate training

Microlearning or Macrolearning for Corporate Training?

Microlearning and macrolearning are two different ways of delivering employee training. Interestingly, there’s a lot of debate about which one is more effective. What Is Microlearning? Microlearning is a type of training that delivers information in short, bite-sized chunks. Each module is typically no more than 5-10 minutes long that

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Bite-Sized Learning and Microlearning

Is Bite-Sized Learning and Microlearning the Same?

In today’s fast-paced world, learners are looking for ways to learn that are efficient and effective. Bite-sized learning and microlearning are two popular approaches that offer a number of benefits. But, are bite-sized learning and microlearning the same? What Is Bite-Sized Learning? Bite-sized eLearning is a method of breaking down

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How to Structure a Video Learning Course

How to Structure a Video Learning Course

Interactive video-based eLearning for in-house and remote training is certainly the future of learning. If you are wondering how to create a video learning course, here is a quick guide! Follow this guide to understand how to structure a video learning course, particularly when you are using an online video

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Why choose video LMS over traditional LMS

9 Reasons for Choosing a Video LMS over a Traditional LMS

uQualio is known as a cloud-based video learning management system (or video LMS), but how does uQualio differ from many traditional systems? There are 9 key differences and reasons why you might choose to use uQualio Video4Learning over more traditional learning systems: #1 Video-Based Learning Traditional eLearning can be boring

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Lean Learning

Lean Learning Is Super-Efficient

Lean learning is an approach to education, which focuses on maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste. The goal is to help learners acquire the knowledge and skills they need as quickly and efficiently as possible, without spending time on unnecessary or redundant activities. This approach is often used in business and

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Enhancing Corporate Training with Video eLearning

Corporate Training: Doing It Better with Video eLearning 

I don’t know about you, but in my experience, corporate training can be dull and ineffective.   What needs to change? Today, organizations and their people face rapidly changing circumstances, and work in separate locations – some remote, others in-person, all the while, needing to adopt the skills necessary to excel.

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Microlearning - it's simple

Discover the Power of Microlearning

Microlearning is a powerful tool and a growing trend. Content creators present information in small doses (bite-sized learning), helping users to stay engaged and retain core learnings. Here, we will cover the basics and highlight some examples to help you on your way to creating microlearning courses yourself.  What Is

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uQualio makes it easy to import AI-generated videos

How uQualio Makes It Easy to Import AI-Generated Videos

As you might have noticed, we have integrations with the following awesome AI video platforms on uQualio Video4Learning for creating AI-generated videos. That definitely makes uQualio an excellent AI-powered video eLearning platform. Why Have We Made It Easy to Import AI-Generated Videos? AI-generated videos are a hot topic these days,

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