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Ready for ESG eLearning (In Dutch)

Iceskater Yves Vergeer.promotes the Sky Dust ESG platform


uQualio Video4Learning’s new customer by Karlo Timmerman has started using our all-in-one video eLearning platform to certify people in ESG in Holland.

The new training platform has, this weekend, been promoted on the shoulder of one of the world’s top ice-skating athletes Yves Vergeer.

About the Sky Dust ESG Platform

The Sky Dust Platform is the ultimate gateway to ESG integrations and advanced AI technology. The platform offers intelligent AI agents, designed to automate tasks, increase productivity, and simplify data into crystal-clear images.

Their all-in-one AI-powered ESG platform empowers consultants to connect with companies, collaborate on joint AI projects, share risk, and accelerate sustainable innovation; all in a community designed to making ESG compliance and AI adoption simple and cost-effective.

The platform offers companies the space to jointly explore new technologies. Under the guidance of ESG advisors and consultants, the platform ensures that technological progress is in line with standards.

And you can sign up directly for the course here:

Learn more about SkyDust in the video.

#learning #video #esg

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.