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Video eLearning Software: Create Tailor-Made Online Training Courses and Programs Quickly 

Create courses quickly with video eLearning software


With professional video eLearning software, you can create online training for employees. Video eLearning software opens the door to new ways of learning and innovative teaching methods. It solves many organizational training challenges. Undoubtedly, creating online video training programs is highly relevant to many organizations and organizational departments.

Below are some of the essential ones:

  • Mid-sized companies and organizations that are looking for ways to create online business partner/employee training programs. These may include marketing training, customer service training, operations management training, and sales and product training.
  • HR and Learning & Development (L&D) departments are responsible for creating employee onboarding and compliance training programs.
  • Course vendors who are on the lookout for an eLearning platform to create, store and sell their courses.
  • Business consultants who have hours of video presentations and want to edit, repurpose, and sell their content.
  • Schools that want to offer online video courses

Determine Your Training Needs – Finding the Right Video Creation Software

Before you get lost in the training software jungle, let us provide you with some key insights that may help you determine your training requirements. This will help you select the video eLearning creation software that is the right fit for your organization. The sections below will cover some important choices that will lead you on the way to the perfect software to make training videos for your organization.

Should You Build Your Own Online Training Programs with Video eLearning Software or Buy a Premade Course Package?

While it may be tempting to outsource your employee training this is an expensive option, and it also comes with multiple challenges. If you outsource your organization’s course creation, you may find it difficult to change. You may also feel like the training material doesn’t quite hit the mark on your organizational training needs or that the material quickly becomes obsolete.

From a teaching viewpoint, there is little doubt that the more distance you put between you and your employees, the more it hurts the learning outcome. After all, you are the ultimate expert on your organization’s training requirements. Therefore, you should be able to continuously fine-tune your training content.

If you are wondering how to create online training courses, don’t worry! Today, online training software offers an intuitive and user-friendly online solution that makes it technically easy to build, edit, change, and update online courses. As far as content is concerned, many LMS providers also offer step-by-step guides to creating the next-level online training material.

remote video training

What Is an Authoring Tool and Why Is It Important to Know before Choosing Your Video Creation Software?

When deciding which video eLearning software suits your organization, you should take a closer look at the options their authoring software provides. But let’s first see what an authoring tool is. Well, in simple terms, it’s the software that helps you create online training courses and programs. It simplifies complicated processes (that often take hours) into a few clicks on a screen.

Your online training material can use many different media formats, So, you should always consider which content options are important for your organization. Some video creation software offers both in-built authoring tools and in-built LMS (learning management system). The LMS is responsible for reminder emails, employee assessments, and tracking. The LMS may also offer different learning paths. If an employee fails to complete a course, it may offer supportive courses or material.

9 Tips on How to Choose the Right Video eLearning Authoring Software for Your Organization

Well, it all depends on your organization’s training needs. Here are some important things to consider:

  • Decide your organization’s need for creative control: This is about making a choice between highly user-friendly training software that uses templates, and ecosystems that are more complex. Both categories offer high flexibility. However, the template-based software offers pre-made structures that make course creation way easier and less time-consuming.
  • Who are your course creators and what is their technical skill level? If you want all employees to pitch in and share their knowledge, you might go for an eLearning creation tool with high usability. However, you may also select more complex options, if your L&D department is responsible for creating your organization’s eLearning material.
  • Design your online training programs with your organization’s employees in mind: What is their preferred learning style? Do they prefer immersive learning, such as video or do they prefer to read or listen? Answering these questions and more will lead you on the way to finding the ideal authoring software for your organization.
  • Consider the learning environment: Mobile learning is becoming increasingly common as employees are working remotely or on the go. If this is the case for your organization, you should select a mobile-friendly authoring tool.
  • Consider your employees’ access to your courses: Select software to make training videos that is compatible with your employees’ devices and that provides easy access.
  • What media options do you want to provide? Each authoring tool has different options available. These may range from video editing, screen recording to audio, and add-ins to PowerPoints. Video is a great medium on the go or for short, targeted skill-based training sessions or software training, whereas slideshows may be more ideal in a classroom setting.
  • Consider your need for interactive elements: Interactivity promotes learning and makes training fun. Therefore, you should consider eLearning creation software with an authoring tool that provides options for interactivity. Some eLearning creation software lets you add features, such as knowledge checks, quizzes, certifications, and gamification elements. These features can highly enhance the learning outcome and will motivate, invigorate, and engage your employees. The interactive elements can also help with learning assessments and can double as training support.
  • Consider budget: Research the available options in your price range and dive deeper into the many authoring tools available in the video creation software solution.
  • Free trials and online demonstrations: While researching, be sure to try out different authoring software. Many eLearning companies let you get acquainted with their software for free. Try creating courses and find the right authoring tool for your organization.

The list above can act as a great starting point, and we hope you will soon find the right authoring tool. Below, we are highlighting some of the benefits of video eLearning software, which from an online learning viewpoint, is the training medium that excels in enhancing learning outcomes and retention. It is also among the most popular training methods when it comes to learner satisfaction, since most employees prefer immersive video-based learning styles.

Benefits of Creating Training Programs with Video eLearning Software

online training

Even before the COVID pandemic eLearning was booming – and now as work from home is gaining popularity, it’s skyrocketing. But video training software’s growing popularity is due to several factors. It is convenient as it only requires a device and an internet connection – it is also cheaper than face-to-face training and behind the scenes, it has even more to offer:

With video training software, you can train and enhance the skill set of your entire organization

Ground-up training offers many challenges. For one, the sheer number of people needing structured day-to-day training to stay on top of product updates and compliance rules is daunting. This is where the eLearning solution comes in. Your organizational training must ideally be accessible on any browser, easy to change and update, cost-efficient, and targeted to your organization’s needs. And, who will understand these needs better than you?

Streamlines your organizational training

With professional video eLearning software, you can create various training programs. These may include digital onboarding, product training, customer service training, compliance training, or sales training programs. The options are only limited by your organization’s requirements and your imagination. Video eLearning solution lets you create your own training courses or programs at different learning levels while ensuring that you offer consistent training to your organization’s employees.

Provides structure to your online training material

Online video learning software offers features like tags and categories, making it easy to locate relevant material. Simply search for a tag, a category, or a topic. If your search is specific, the exact part of the course video that matches your query will play.

Adds a human aspect to your online training material

As humans, we need to be encouraged to learn, and without a human element to the training, we lose motivation which can negatively affect learning outcomes. To overcome this problem, you can upload skill-focused training videos, showing people performing tasks – or make online group sessions or instructor-led training sessions.

Makes it easy to bite-size training into manageable sessions

Microlearning is one of the most trending and innovative teaching methods as it enhances learning outcomes and highly improves retention and helps avoid cognitive overload. Video eLearning software is ideal for chunking training into manageable training sessions. You can easily edit a long video into multiple bite-sized sessions. You can even have your employees make videos showing themselves performing tasks or let them make screen recordings.

Requires No Special Skills or Coding Experience

Template-based video eLearning solutions are so user-friendly. Anyone with basic computer skills can create online training courses and programs using it. All it requires is to shoot a video with a smartphone camera and then upload the video recording to the video training software solution. Once the video gets processed by the learning software, you can edit it using a scene selector. Click on your video and select a start and end time.

For instance, if you want the video to start 10 seconds into the recording and you want it to end after 2 minutes, simply write 0:10 in the “start time” and 2:00 in the “end time” and then press save. This way, the eLearning solution saves your selected scene and edits out anything else. You can edit any video you upload in seconds – it’s that simple! It also lets you make instructional screen recordings that can be used for software training. Both options allow you to create professional video courses quickly and effortlessly.

Keeps Your Training Cost-Efficient

Employee training is expensive and becoming increasingly common. Therefore, there is a growing need for creating consistent training material at a cost-efficient price. If you want to offer up-to-date, innovative, and engaging online training programs, it’s essential that you can easily edit, add to, or remove training material. You may also want to offer different learning levels, learning paths, and supportive resources. You will need to assess your employees’ progress and performance quickly. Also, you must be able to offer online training as working remotely is on the rise. All these demands are hard to meet, but video LMS software solves all these challenges. Compared to face-to-face training, it’s highly affordable too. And with a few clicks, it lets you assess your employees, offers flexible learning options, and changes your training material.

In the sections below, we offer some industry-specific video eLearning tips. These will further elaborate on how online video learning software can take your employee training or teaching material to the next level.

Introduction: How to Create Innovative Online Training with a Video eLearning Solution

remote training with uQualio

Now you are getting to the fun part. No matter if you are a course vendor, a mid-sized company or organization, an HR or L&D department, a business consultant, or a school, we have some relevant tips on how to create successful video eLearning for you.

As always, before getting creative you need to plan and structure your course. So, let’s get the basics down:

  • Who are your target learners and what is their preferred learning style?
  • What is your topic?
  • What is the purpose of your course and what are your learning goals?
  • What teaching methods will you use (skill-based or more reflective learning)
  • How will you create access to your courses (directly in any browser or via an app)?
  • How will you assess progress and performance?
  • How will you provide feedback options?
  • How will you communicate with your learners?
  • How will you reward course completion?

Depending on your video eLearning solution, you will either have selected a video eLearning software that is user-friendly and intuitive. Or, you can choose a video eLearning solution that is more complex.

After shooting and editing your video training course, you can add supportive resources, quizzes, and gamification elements. You will now have made a professional, comprehensive, and fun online video eLearning program.

HR or L&D Departments – Boost Your Employee Training

Tips on How to Create an Online Pre-Onboarding Program with a Video eLearning Solution

In the HR or Learning & Development department, employee assessment and satisfaction are key. Video eLearning tool makes creating training material simple. It lets you provide consistent and professional online video training that is highly cost-efficient. More importantly, it makes it easy to change, update or add to existing courses when compliance or organizational guidelines change.

With an in-built LMS, a video training solution is ideal for an HR or L&D department as it takes care of course delivery, course communication, and tracking of the employees’ progress and performance. With an in-built LMS, it takes seconds to locate assessment reports for each employee.

Video eLearning software offers a new viable way to train and onboard employees. As remote work is on the rise, online video learning may be the optimal training solution. Video eLearning solution makes off-site training possible. It saves time, avoids miscommunication, and even lets you provide an online pre-onboarding program.

Your online pre-onboarding program will show your new employees that you are on top of your game and that you care about them. This will give them a great start at your organization. It may also ensure fewer mistakes by the employee in the first few weeks of onboarding.

In continuation to our tips on how to create online training courses for employee pre-onboarding using a video training software:

Even before your new employee’s first day, you can send them an online video pre-onboarding training program. This is a terrific way to welcome your employees and make them feel secure in their new role. Below are some tips on what your pre-onboarding program could include, but don’t let yourself be limited by our suggestions. Add your touch to it.

Introduce Your Organization

Make sure your new employee feels welcome in your organization by creating a welcome video where you introduce them to their closest co-workers and to the organization’s culture.

  • Tell about social events, vacations, and fun facts that make your organization unique
  • Present your organization’s mission statement and your policies
  • Make an instructional video presentation of your organization’s hierarchy
  • Allow key employees to introduce their field of expertise to let your new employee know whom to ask for help.
  • Encourage your new employee to establish connections with their co-workers.

Compliance Training

Use a video eLearning solution to explain your organization’s compliance standards.

  • Make GDPR compliance standards unambiguous
  • Introduce relevant safety training that your organization requires, such as first aid courses and certifications for operating machines.

Outline Your Employee’s New Role and Responsibilities

Avoid first-day jitters and mistakes – make sure your employee understands their role and your expectations.

Software Training: Make instructional step-by-step screen recordings – introducing your intranet, relevant communication programs, and so on. Make sure your new employee is given a concise introduction, and that they can log on to the relevant programs.

Finally, don’t be afraid to show your organization’s unique culture in your pre-onboarding program. Use humor, and display warmth and optimism. Give your employees the best pre-onboarding experience and you will notice how quickly they fit in and how securely they navigate in their new role. To complete the experience, you can add a short in-person onboarding program when the employee begins in your organization.

Marketing Departments – Tips on How to Boost Your Employee Training with an Online Video Training Software Solution

video-based training

The marketing department is known for having a high turnover of employees and for juggling many software programs. But mastering several different software programs is no mean feat and software training can steal away precious time from other tasks.

What if new employees could simply complete an online video training program and achieve a certificate upon completion. This way, you will be sure that all employees are confident users, and you would not need to offer expensive face-to-face training to them. You can also use a video eLearning solution to introduce business procedures and different employees’ skill sets and expertise.

Examples of Marketing Department Video Training

Here are some examples of online video training that is relevant to a marketing department:

  • Make a breakdown of complicated software into task-specific instructional screen recordings. Add quiz questions to make knowledge checks and ask employees to make screen recordings of themselves, performing relevant tasks in the software program.
  • Use a video LMS solution to onboard your employees to perform specific tasks. Video is an ideal choice for skill-based training.
  • Introduce Social Media Cookbooks and other department standards with video eLearning software. Let the employee create a template, showing they have understood your preferred layout and style.
  • Make each marketing employee record an online video introducing themselves and explaining what tasks they perform. Let them tell the new employees where they can assist them in solving common problems.
  • Make online video training, explaining your department’s collaboration with other departments or business partners.
  • Cut your overall marketing strategy into manageable video sessions. It will help avoid confusion as the employee may get different answers if they ask different employees.
  • Let new employees make a video, introducing themselves and their skill set.
  • Create team spirit for remote workers with a video eLearning solution. Today, the reality is that the workforce is dispersed; sometimes, all over the globe. In such a case, it is important to make video material that binds different sections of your organization together. You can make a video of: what your department is currently working on, what challenges you are facing, and what discoveries you have made. This will strengthen the bond between employees – even if they never share an office space.

Overall, the options for using an online video eLearning software solution in your marketing department are almost endless. It takes little time to shoot, upload, and edit a video with video eLearning. Moreover, some software even makes it simple to make professional screen recordings that are perfect for step-by-step instructional videos.

Product Training – Tips on How to Create Strategic Product Training that will Boost Your Sales with Online Video Software for eLearning

Empower your sales team and business partners to become successful ambassadors of your products. Use video eLearning solution to buy mindshare – send out instructional videos every time you update or change your product (find ideas for training your sales reps).

Some companies create online video material once or twice a year that seeks to promote the newest features, functions, or updates. This will help create awareness and will educate your sales team and business partners on your product. If you are successful, they will become your ambassadors and will help boost your sales.

You can also create promotional videos or user guides for your customers with a video-based learning solution. This will notify your customers about new, innovative product features, and educate them how to use your product optimally.

Product training is also highly relevant for customer service workers, support teams, and other employees. These can vary from highly technical courses to more user-friendly and skill-based courses.

Depending on your overall goal with your course or training program, the video eLearning software solution will offer a highly flexible palette of options. In no time, you will be able to make online video training for multiple target groups, in different languages, and at different learning levels, as per your need.

Customer Service – Tips on How to Boost your Customer Service Agents Training with an Online Video Training Solution

video training platform

Why Customer Service Training?

The truth is that no one is a born customer service agent. Providing quality service is an art form, where you must anticipate your customers’ unspoken needs. Often, you must disarm explosive situations, and deal with stressed-out, confused, and dissatisfied customers. As anyone in customer service will tell you, this requires diplomatic skills at the highest level. But more than that, it requires an understanding of different personalities, and what qualifies as good service to each type. Professional customer service also requires an in-depth understanding of the product the service is related to.

Video eLearning Software to Overcome Customer Service Challenges

In the customer service industry, it’s a great challenge to offer quick, consistent, affordable, and understandable training to the ever-flowing stream of employees. This challenge becomes even more tricky if the customer agents are working remotely. As every instructor knows, teaching something doesn’t mean your learners hear it, understand it, or can replicate it. Therefore, using a video eLearning tool is optimal for the customer service industry. Video-based training is highly engaging, and easy to bite-size into manageable chunks of knowledge, which will help enhance learning outcomes.

It also makes it possible to offer various levels and learning paths to your customer service agents. Of course, you should include different knowledge checks, quizzes, tests, gamification elements, and skill-based tasks in your online video eLearning training content to make sure it’s super-effective. You can even let your customer service agents record roleplays of customer interactions that you can discuss in person or via online groups or instructor-led sessions. They can also upload videos on how they handle tricky cases.

Another great challenge in the customer service industry is the need for a rapid response. Product updates or bugs are common issues that customer service agents deal with. It’s too late to catch up on day two – the customer service agent must know beforehand if possible or right when the issue occurs. Therefore, it’s necessary to create online training for employees quickly and that your agents can access it on any browser.

Video eLearning software lets you make instructional and understandable screen recordings in minutes. If your product is not software-related, it is just as quick to shoot a step-by-step video where you show and explain new features or issues. Video eLearning software makes teaching hundreds or even thousands of employees more manageable than ever. The software makes editing, updating, and adding to existing programs something that anyone can do.

Tips for Customer Support Training

If your customer service agents receive innovative, up-to-date training, they will provide better service. Plus, they may get better at spotting additional sales situations. So, how can a white-label video training software help provide efficient and streamlined online video eLearning for customer service agents? Here are some suggestions:

  • Use your online learning solution to create courses, based on different personality types and how to service them
  • Make instructional step-by-step online videos, showing how to handle various stages in a conversation with a customer.
  • Teach your agents how to improve customer satisfaction. With video eLearning software, you can create training material that is a mix between skill-based training and role play.
  • Make online video exercises on how to relate to a customer. Video eLearning software is perfect for this task as it can display both facial mimic and tone of voice. Plus, it instructs the agents on how to show respect and interest.
  • Problem-solving and conflict management training videos are highly relevant and with video training software, you and your customer service agents can re-enact different scenarios.
  • Make a structured and comprehensive in-depth product training program. If you have selected a template-based video eLearning program, you can build a course skeleton in minutes and then add content to each section.
  • Shoot daily videos, explaining new product features or updates.
  • Use your video eLearning solution to provide your customer service agents with training in common queries.
  • Quickly create and upload videos with information about problematic issues related to the product and instructions on how to deal with them. This way, you will always be able to keep your customer service agents up to date. Using a video training software solution, this can be done in minutes. Plus, it also lets you send an e-mail or message to inform your agents that new information is available.
  • Make industry-specific video training courses, such as training on how to display the products in a way that aligns with your brand’s image or specific legal training, specific to your products.
  • Finally, you can also use video training software to offer support for your customers as video is a great medium for making tutorials. You can also use the online video material to promote new product features to customers.

Video eLearning software is a fantastic way to offer consistent, up-to-date, cost-efficient, professional online training programs. Video training is motivating and is known to enhance learning outcomes – and when it comes to training hundreds or thousands of employees, video eLearning solution is simply perfect!

Operations Management – Tips on How to Boost Your Employee Training with an Online Video Training Platform

As business operations management is fast paced, it needs well-oiled training programs. Video eLearning platform is less time-consuming in both course creation and in the training of employees than other training solutions. It is also highly cost-effective, and adaptable.

So, whether you are responsible for training employees to handle capacity planning, take care of quality control, supply chain management, production design, or other administrative functions, video eLearning platform will provide first-class training conditions for your employees. In fact, a video eLearning solution is ideally suited for skill-based learning.

You can easily train your employees in manufacturing, warehouse work, package distribution, hospitality, and hotel – airport, and supermarket management. Simply determine the task your employees must perform, break it down into sections, and record it using a smartphone camera. Video training software even lets you add supportive materials. Using categories and tags, your employees can quickly find the relevant video material in seconds. That means, they can get help in the moment and while on the go.

As the video training software is highly flexible, you can make complex training programs or simply upload a pre-existing video. This can be relevant if an unforeseen problem occurs, and you rapidly need to inform your employees on how to act on it. Efficient video training can make your operation run smoothly and will make onboarding new employees faster than ever.

skill-based training

Off-Site or on-the-go Training for Service Engineers – Tips on How to Create Supportive Instructional Step-by-Step Videos

Using a video eLearning platform, you can provide helpful step-by-step or Q&A videos for service engineers. They can access your online training videos when needed – even when they are on the go.

Your organization may have to serve many customers with unique needs, and this can be challenging for any employee. If they only encounter an issue once or twice a year, they may need support to perform their job. Online video training can step in and help at the moment.

One way to structure your videos is to tell the employee to perform the task before moving on. For instance:

Video instructions can be accessed easily on any smartphone with an internet connection. It is much easier to follow instructions when you have both visual and auditory support. Also, video can be watched on small screens. Whereas, it may be problematic for some to read and flip through text-heavy PowerPoint slides.

Schools – Tips on How Video eLearning Platform Can Enhance Learning Outcomes and Help Make Innovative and Motivating Teaching Materials

Pandemic aside, eLearning has had a place in modern teaching for years and video eLearning software solutions offer the next generation of online learning. Short, targeted, and concise videos are the way forward.

Of course, the video sessions need to be assisted by learning enhancements and knowledge checks, but most teachers can see how the video goes perfectly together with innovative and skill-based teaching methods. Students are also highly accustomed to videos, and it may be much easier to get students to record videos than to draft long reports.

Combined with online video platforms, such as YouTube and Vimeo, you can make motivating courses. And, and a video eLearning platform also offers all ‘the old’ teaching tools and methods. You or your students can upload files and write in shared documents. You can also invite your students to instructor-led teaching sessions or encourage them to meet for group sessions online or in real life.

Selecting a video eLearning solution that is based on templates will make it technically easy to create exciting online course material. And yes, you can always edit it, add to it, or remove video sessions or supportive resources. It is so simple that your students can become part-time creators, which lets them add their distinctive touch to the video eLearning courses. So, don’t hold back! Talk to your colleagues about the best video training platform and discuss how it can contribute to your teaching program.

Course Vendors – Video eLearning Solution will Help Boost Your Sale

Video eLearning programs can provide course vendors with a complete eLearning ecosystem. As a course provider, you may be looking for a video eLearning solution that offers you space to create and safely store your courses. But, you may also be on the lookout for a provider that offers the possibility of selling courses online.

This is the next generation of video eLearning software, but the all-in-one solution is sought after. And, there is no doubt that this will soon be a more widely available feature. For now, video eLearning can offer a professional framework for your course creation. This would make it possible to provide either temporary or life-long access to your course content.

Business Consultants – Repurpose and Sell Your Presentations

As a business consultant, you may have an abundance of video material from your presentations that you want to repurpose and market. Video eLearning platform can offer you a straightforward way to create professional courses and programs from your material.

With video editing, you can bite-size a long presentation into more focused video sessions. The video sessions can be sold separately, as part of a course or program. The most innovative video eLearning platform even provides an eCommerce option. This means that you can create, store, and sell your courses on the same platform. It doesn’t get easier than this!

To Conclude

We hope you have found our blog post useful and that you now have a better understanding of how video eLearning software can benefit your organization.

At uQualio Video4Learning, we want to offer the optimal video eLearning solution to our customers. We continuously make improvements and add features to our video training LMS platform to let our customers make the most of it.

Our video eLearning platform is template-based, highly flexible, and user-friendly. If you want to check it out for free, we offer a no-obligation 14-day free trial. You can also contact us to book an online demonstration of our video eLearning platform.

We hope video eLearning software will enrich your organization, while helping you achieve your training goals.

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.