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Podcast: The Future of Video-Based eLearning

Future of video-based eLearning


At uQualio Video4learning, we were simply delighted to have the opportunity to have a chat with Dave Online on his own podcast, The Upskill Podcast. Our CPO, Christian Bjerre Nielsen, and Dave had a super constructive and interesting conversation, where they talked about the current trends ongoing in the EdTech space, what exactly is video-based eLearning and most importantly, what is eLearning, and how we here at the uQualio video training platform believe the video microlearning is the future of education and training.

uQualio's CPO Christian Bjerre Nielsen and Dave on TheUpskillPodcast

Make sure to tune in and let us know what you think!

The Conversation

Dave (D): Hello and welcome to The Upskill Podcast! I’m here today and it’s my privilege today to be with you Christian. Hello, nice to meet you, and welcome to The Upskill Podcast.

Christian (C): Hello Dave thanks for joining and I look forward to talking to you and to the audience.

D: And the way we met on LinkedIn; I saw your post on LinkedIn, right?

C: Yeah, that was a very interesting post about what 5G would do for education and I thought it was relevant to discuss it and then you made a note that I didn’t understand, and then suddenly now we’re sitting here talking about what is the future for some of the things we’re seeing in eLearning.

D: Exactly! And it’s fantastic to have you here you’re based in Denmark, Copenhagen?

C: That’s correct.

D: I’m in Hanoi, Vietnam. So today we’re going to talk about video-based eLearning for my listeners. Of course, I want to represent my listeners, and make sure that we can break down the topic and make it as interesting as possible so please by all means you could start off and tell us a bit about your career in a nutshell first of all and then we can move into video-based eLearning.

C: Yeah, I’ll do that. So I started out as an electrical engineer and ended up working in software even though I thought I was going to design power stations, transmission lines and things like that. So, I ended up in software and this is where I’ve been working for all my career that for almost 30 years now. I started out in software for financial products and took also a period, where I was hitting up an eLearning company and actually I think this was back in 2000. So, that’s like 19 years ago I was one of the first start-ups inside the eLearning or online reading areas in Denmark we tried it out.

Unfortunately, we had an incident in 2001 that killed the market and we were probably five years too early; let’s see the iPhone came out in 2007. So, we were six years too early with online learning, mobile learning items from the device. So, that is sort of the background. And, for the past two years, I’ve been working here for uQualio Video4Learning heading up the product development and being responsible for the software quality in our video eLearning platform that we’re offering as a cloud service.

You can listen in (or read) the rest of the podcast here!

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.