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uQualio® Product News, January 2021

uQualio Product News, January 2021


We have improved a lot of things in our eLearning eLearning creation authoring software since the last product news presentation, so we are happy to share the following released platform updates

  • Filters for Language and Level
  • Tasks and Lists divided into Courses and Groups
  • Other features
  • Questions & answers
  • The uQualio feature poll – where you tell us what to add to the platform

Each feature is described in the following sections of the release newsletter.

uQualio is released iteratively with new features, improvements, and error corrections. We release our video eLearning platform 1 to 3 times a week to support your business.

You can follow our releases on our website .

Filters for Language and Level

As a normal user and an admin user, you want to work with relevant items in an effective way. To support you, we have added two new filters to the application:

  • Language filter
  • Content complexity level

The filters are added here:

  • Channel Page
  • Channel Manager
  • Course Manager

You now set your preferred filter settings to a specific selection to save time when you access the system.

Your filter settings are stored with your profile. They are restored the next time you access a channel or one of the manager applications.

Here you see an example of filters using on the Channel Page. The courses are filtered to match

  • Languages: Danish, English or German
  • Course levels: Newbie, Intermediate or Expert.

The channel only shows items matching these filter values.

uQualio Product News, January 2021

As an admin user, you can filter your content, courses, and groups by Level. It is available in Channel Manager and Course Manager.


Language filter will be added to Channel Manager and Course Manager in the next uQualio® release.

Tasks and Lists divided into Courses and Groups

When you have many users, courses, and groups, then Lists in uQualio® help you organize them to process faster and with less manual operation. This reduced risk of human error as well as matches the way you distribute your content and engage with your users.

Lists were made as two types:

  • User Lists
  • Course & Group Lists

The second group made it possible to mix both new groups based on the courses in the list and existing groups.

Based on user feedback we see that this is not very useful in the daily handling of your users and course assignment. You either create new groups for new users or you add new users to existing groups. This covers use cases like:

  • You have a group of users who must be invited to the same courses​
  • New employees in Q1
  • Persons who must do a yearly certification
  • You have three courses you want to assign to many users​
  • Basic, intermediate, and advanced training
  • You have users who are assigned to new or existing groups as a team
  • Employees with a specific role
  • Employees in a certain location

To match this better we have split Courses & Groups into separate lists. This brings the number of List Types to three.

Changing List Types to three visual

Course Lists and Group Lists are used according to your need for either creating new groups based on existing courses or to reuse existing groups.


• Courses are used to create new groups when the task is executed

• Existing courses are collected into one or more course lists

• Each course can be assigned into as many lists as needed

• Courses are selected from active courses on all available channels


• Existing groups are collected into one or more group lists

• Each group can be assigned into as many lists as needed

• Groups are selected from existing, active groups on all available channels

Tasks are updated to match the split of list types

Course Lists and Group Lists are used according to your need for either creating new groups based on existing courses or to reuse existing groups visual

Now there is a specific task depending on the creation of new groups based on courses or assignments to existing groups.

By the split, we have also removed the step ‘Settings’ in group tasks. All settings are already made on the group and the page was not used for user assignment to groups.

removed the step ‘Settings’ in group tasks example.

Other features

Copy and Embed links

You have two options to copy links and embed links to a course and a channel. This helps you when you want to share the course or channel in an email, webpage or you want to embed the course or channel in another application.

Copy and Embed example

The copy options are:

  • Embed on my website
  • Copy link

When you select ‘Embed on my website’ you have an HTML snippet with an iframe tag.

<iframe src=”″ title=”Webinar account” width=”100%” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

The system tells you that the link is copied to the clipboard.

Link copied example

Channel icon is used on the course page

The channel icon is shown on the course page to show them to the channel. This helps branding you and your content.

The channel icon being shown on the course page.

Thai is available as a new language

We have added Thai as a new language for the users.

Two new languages added example

In case you need more languages, please let us know.

White Label: favicon can be configured

We have enabled that you can define your own favicon on your white label solution. This supports your branding as well as improves your search optimizations (SEO).

Favicon configuration example

The configuration is made in Styling/Main page/Logo settings/Favicon

Styling/Main page/Logo settings/Favicon Settings

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.