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uQualio® Product News, June 2021 

UQualio Product News, June 2021 


At uQualio the eLearning creation & authoring LMS software platform we are always happy to share the latest learning platform updates with you

You can also check out our product news updates in video format!

The presentation highlights of this month include:

  • Admin updates – new main menu and settings
  • Screen Recording directly to a topic
  • Badge Editor shows badge preview
  • Reports – new options in sorting and groups
  • Invite expiry on all invite types, no default expiry
  • API updates
  • Other features

At uQualio we are laser-focused on supporting your business and have integrated our users’ feedback, requests, and questions into our development pipeline. Using your input, we release updates including, new features, improvements, and error corrections one to three times weekly.

You can follow our releases on our website. Also, please see our development roadmap – to see what we are working on in the future.

Admin updates – new main menu and settings

We have made an update to the main admin user interface. The main menu to the left now shows the action areas relating to daily operations for the admin.

Example of new main menu and settings in uQualio software

The main areas are:

  • Courses
  • Channels
  • Users
  • Dashboards
  • Reports

Dashboards and Reports are being enhanced now and in future releases. They are tagged with ‘beta’ so you know that things may change.

Access to your account’s settings is collected in one place now: Use the gear in the upper right corner of the application next to your image and user menu.

Example of new main menu and settings in uQualio software

From here you can go to all the settings in your account. You access most settings with less clicks than before.

Screen Recording directly to the topic (“voted feature ✔”)

Often the content you need to create is based on what programs or documents there are on your computer. To record the screen for your learning content, you would need third-party software to record the screen and your voice. This is not needed anymore as you can record directly from uQualio to a topic in your content.

Use cases:

  • Create software application training directly on uQualio
  • Create instructions e.g. how to fill out a spreadsheet

Simply select ‘Record Screen’ when you add a new topic.

Options for adding videos

This opens the recording dialog where you select what to record:

  • Your complete desktop
  • An application’s window
  • A tab in the browser
Options for sharing screen

You may have to allow the browser to access your device and microphone to record. These settings are specific to your computer, and you must allow this in order to record both your screen and your voice.

After the recording ends you save the recorded video with a title. It automatically starts the upload so you can use this directly after a few minutes.

Options for recording video

Content Editor: Badge preview & delete multiple resources (“voted feature ✔”)

The content editor now shows how the badge will look when you edit a badge.

Screenshot of platinum certificate badge.

You can delete multiple resources in one step.

Screenshot of resources

Reports – new options in sorting and groups

We are in the process of updating our reporting grid. The new grid is faster and handles larger data volumes better than the current one.

Additional features are:

  • Grouping by drag and drop
  • Selection on groupings
  • Selection of column values
  • Sub-reports
  • Links for drill down to open data in a new tab

You can drag any column to the top field for grouping the data. It is possible to group by multiple columns which makes it easier to overview your data.

Example of dragging columns

When a grouping is added you can filter by specific values only. Click on the funnel icon and select the relevant values for your data selection.

Example of filtering specific values

The value filter is also available in the columns in the report. If the column contains distinct values, then click on the funnel icon to get the list of individual values for filtering your data.

Example of value filter

We have started adding sub-reports for e.g. users are you see below. When you click the right arrow in a row it will expand the row and display the sub-reports related to the row. In the User report, you currently find the sub-reports, Invites, and Badges for the user.

Example of sub-reports

When a value is shown as a link then you open the content in a new tab. You drill into the data from the report or sub-report to get even more information.

Invite expiry on all invites, no default expiry

You can now set an expiry date for all invites in the system. Previously, the invite was active until the group expired or was expired manually.

Many customers have asked for a finer-grained access option to control each invite automatically. You do that now by adding an expiry when you invite one or more users to a course, channel, or your account.

Example showing Invite expire date

You can specify any future expiry date at least 15 minutes into the future and no longer than the course’s expiry.

The user will not be able to access the course after the invite expires.

API updates

The uQualio REST API enables you to integrate with almost any application. It works from subscription level ‘Business’ and is easy to use.

We have updated the API to support more use cases.

  • User can be created as a regular user and not just an embedded user
  • User responses include user type
  • User language can be set on creation and updates
  • Group information responses return more details about each group
Image showing the updates made to API

Other features

  • Image selection changed to one click
  • Resources – remove items on one go, description field available
  • Channel shows expiry date if set

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.