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How to Make the Best Training Video? Here Are 7 Examples

How to Make the Best Training Video on uQualio


In contrast to peer training in real-life, training videos to be successful benefit from a certain level of standard and composition in order to reach their full potential.

The thing with videos is: you can’t see your audience, you can’t correct them on the spot, and you don’t know what they’ll do with the knowledge put forth. So, there are things to consider.

Fortunately, others have made videos before you. So, how to make the best training video – here are 5 great examples to learn from of efficient training videos. Read on, watch, and get inspired.

Types of Training Videos

Before we get deeper into videos, it’s important to know that there are usually 7 common types of training videos:

  1. Corporate Training: Training devoted to developing the skills of the employees
  2. Software Screencast: A screen recording that shows how to use a particular software
  3. Health and Safety:  What to do in the event of an emergency
  4. Workout: a coach that’s set up a digital training program that you can employ IRL
  5. How-To Guides: Videos for the DIY junkie to fix stuff at home, for the foodie who wants to make homemade pasta. “How-To” is the most popular type of training videos
  6. Sports Coaching:  Virtual training sessions with a professional coach
  7. Product Training:  In-depth training that’s required before the use of a specialized product

7 Best Practice Videos on How to Make the Best Training Video

Adobe’s Photoshop CC – Software Training

Adobe is the premier tool for creative professionals. That’s why their training videos have to set the bar. It is short and concise with a good finale.


Betsson – Kroon Casino Blackjack Basic Strategy Tutorial

A good example of a video that shows a skill many want to possess. Especially those planning a trip to Vegas.


Waiter Training – A Hospitality Training

In this video, we walk you through the Steps of Service that every waiter should follow to ensure that your guests have consistently excellent experiences at your restaurant. From greeting a new table to dropping off the check, we explain in depth what habits and skills servers need to cultivate to take the fullest advantage of every step in the service process.



The British Resuscitation Council (UK) produced this video with one singular purpose: to save lives.


Workplace Bullying

Company culture is the backbone of a good workplace. This video is a good example of inspiring employees to do good and create a toxic-free workplace.


The Operator and Safety

This is to demonstrate that training videos are not new. In fact, they’ve been around for a long time. This safety video from the 1940s shows how far we’ve come but is also an excellent tool in understanding the medium.


Dunkin’ Donuts New Employee Presentation – Onboarding

Here is a superb example of what a new employee video training could contain.



We hope this eclectic set of training videos has given you an appetite to produce one on your own. If you want to upload or link any video, uQualio Video4Learning is an excellent platform for distributing training videos. And support is always a click away.

If you found this article about how to make the best training video, you should definitely consider reading this:

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.