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FREMCO Makes eLearning from User-Generated Content

Fremco – making eLearning from user generated content


FREMCO is a Danish company specializing in the development and production of fiber-blowing machines of the highest possible caliber.

Over the past two decades, FREMCO has accumulated an immensely specialized knowledge of blowing techniques. Kenneth Filipsen, Technical Sales Manager, explains:

“During the past many years, Fremco´s turnover has risen by 25% annually. The uQualio video eLearning platform gave us the power to educate new and existing resellers to the level that was needed and thus the result.” 

With such an impressive company history in mind, it’s no surprise that FREMCO had to constantly move forward in order to cement its high standing in its industry. This means being open to several possibilities and experimenting with research and innovation.

Allowing Customers to Share and Generate Content

Lately, FREMCO has integrated the video eLearning platform into its core divisions. Now, it is moving forward with user-generated content. And here’s why this is a bold venture when it comes to someone with FREMCO’s particular make-up.

Kenneth Filipsen elaborates:

“We are expanding, and we need an efficient way to get everything aligned. Compared to earlier, we have reduced our training cost by 30-45 % and have achieved a much higher impact on the training. With the uQualio user-generated content platform, it´s like having 10 extra employees doing training!”  

In traditional expertise-driven ventures and industries, it is usually a “trickle-down” approach to teaching, mentoring, or managing. The mentor or manager shares their knowledge with a group of people. It is a traditional way of dealing with core components of knowledge – or in many cases training – where the mentor is in focus and not the individuals attending the course.

FREMCO products

Collects Videos from Its Core Customer

What social media companies have known for a long time is that user-generated content is valuable. What FREMCO is doing now is pushing its digital training platform into a modernized way of learning.

By collecting videos from its core customers, FREMCO can then turn them into new video eLearning courses This is pushing the boundaries of eLearning as you normally know it. Imagine if you are a student, not only can you learn about a specific example of a customer, but you can also experience visual content generated by the very same customer, which FREMCO uploads.

Kenneth Filipsen explains:

“Allowing our customers to also share courses on our video eLearning platform results in organic growth. The smartness of this is close to likes, shares, viral, etc. as it gives our courses a natural growth without FREMCO doing much – we only need to allow our customers to “share course.” uQualio is simple to use in the day-to-day work and at the same time extremely scalable!”

According to Kenneth Filipsen, it is the scalable foundation of uQualio that makes it possible for different eLearners to share the video training platform with customers and get new and exciting possibilities.

FREMCO’s latest innovation engages users, and it creates a richer learning experience – something that we value at uQualio Video4Learning.

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.