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Every Company Will Become a Video Training Company

video training company


Find out why every company, regardless of size and type, will eventually transform into a video training company!

Marc Lowell Andreessen, a renowned American software professional and businessman, made claims in 2011 that software was gradually engulfing the world. Now, we can see that his claim is slowly becoming reality in nearly all sectors – from health care and real estate, to finance and hospitality – and education is no different! 

The professionals working behind software and how they keep pace with the software market changes have been overlooked until now. However, it is no longer possible for us to do so. In the U.S., edtech startups raised over $8000m USD in 2011 alone. This highlighted the immense importance of human capital and innovative solutions to help them climb up the career ladder. For human transformation as well as to maneuver in the technologically advancing world, education is key. 

The demand for talent will surge in the coming years. And, the Great Resignation simply added to the global issue of labor shortage, irrespective of industries – whether they are blue-collar employees of the manufacturing industry, software professionals in IT giants, or people in skilled trades.  

Companies, organizations, and governments have now begun to understand that the world is changing fast. But, they know that they are not fully prepared for it. According to a study, there would be a talent shortage of over 85 million professionals by 2030, which is likely to cost roughly $8.5 trillion USD annually in unrealized revenues. 

This is exactly what is driving all businesses to become edtech or video training companies in the next 10 years. Interestingly, this has already started to happen.

Employee Upskilling and Training

Every company needs its employees to keep pace with the evolving digital world. Over half of today’s organizations are therefore planning to increase their training budgets. Online training solutions such as LinkedIn Learning provide professionals with resources to upskill themselves. This helps them to get either a promotion or a better opportunity. 

Among all types of eLearning methods, videos have the maximum engagement rate. Therefore, many companies are embracing white-label video training platforms like uQualio. This enables them to share their video courses with the workforce in a secure environment, where learners can complete courses as per their convenience and revisit them as many times as they want.  

As companies continue to invest a major part of their resources to acquire and retain talent – whether based on credentials or skills – more video eLearning platforms will likely hit the employee training market in the coming years.

Talent Hunt in New Places

Companies are now turning to corporate training software solutions to find talent from those sources that have not been considered an option until now. Handshake, a career network website for students and recent graduates, helps businesses find talent in colleges that were not considered by them before. This approach results in a diverse workforce, providing better opportunities to individuals with no formal training or the requisite credentials, such as a college degree.  

Additionally, many organizations are now offering apprenticeship programs to potential candidates. For example, student hackathon league Major League Hacking collaborates with businesses to train and hire individuals upon successful completion of their real-world projects.

Video Training Company

Learn While You Work

Learning shouldn’t be limited to only pre-planned courses and time-bound classes. As a matter of fact, learning is more effective when it occurs naturally during regular workflow. This has led to the emergence of a new class of tools at the juncture of productivity and education, packed with features like gamification and microlearning. These solutions makes it easier and faster for people to learn complex concepts and topics, during their natural workflow . This also enables them to retain the information longer. 

Grammarly, an AI-based writing tool, enables professionals to communicate with their colleagues and clients more accurately and correctly. Similarly, there are tools that provide language-specific feedback on job descriptions that help HR professionals create clearer and crisper job posts. In the same vein, uQualio – a white-label video training platform – ensures just-in-time learning. It allow learners to access courses as many times as they want, anytime, anywhere, and on any connected device. 

What makes these corporate training platforms different from conventional tools is their ability to provide real-time feedback on employee learning and competence. The corporate training solutions offer out-of-ordinary educational value to employees in their current role as well as throughout their career.

Final Words

Gone are the days when edtech was a “nice to have” component of companies with limited training budget. Today, it is a “must have” for organizations of all sizes and types. And, every business is investing increasingly to empower its workforce so as to keep up with the ever-changing digital world. 

Employers who haven’t made corporate training software a priority yet are likely to lose out on talent and productivity in the coming years.  

Software is surely devouring the world, and professionals are greedier to learn than ever!

– uQualio is an award-winning, easy-to-use, all-in-one NextGen LMS software for any types of online video training.